Friday, December 21, 2012

Stilwell -- student government meeting

Continuing the series of digitally restored cartoons called "Stilwell," which ran in Cleveland State University's student newspaper The Cauldron from 1971 through 1973. While CSU's student government was the subject of my strip a few times, only once did I actually attend a student government meeting. I forget whether I was attending to cover it for a story or merely to get an inspiration for a cartoon, but this was the direct result of it. I don't recall the specific items on the agenda, but this cartoon suggests that at least one of those was related to approving an expenditure of funding from student fees, which I think may have been the one real power the student reps had. The cartoon suggests that those fees provided an annual nestegg of $70,000 to dole out as these yammering yoyos saw fit. I do recall that the meeting included at least a few hothead, self-important and boorish reps whose actual verbiage was close to what I characterize in this strip and a far cry from anything resembling the decorum of Parliamentary procedure. It struck me as being yet another embarrassment for this relatively new urban, state-supported university. It would not surprise me if one or two of these students, probably poli sci majors all, ended up or are even still in Congress.

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